Monotop Cans
The variety you need
Ideal for solvents, adhesives, rubber cement, paint thinner, and other applications, Mauser Packaging Solutions’ monotop, or utility, cans protect the unique products that brands entrust with us.
Monotop cans are available in a variety of sizes and frequently used with products that need to be applied with a brush cap or dauber. Optional decoration capabilities help products stand out on store shelves, while solderless one-piece top construction maintains product quality throughout the supply chain.
Petrochemicals & Lubricants
Industrial Chemicals
Sizes: 4oz – 32oz
Decoration available on bodies
Contain approximately 20%
recycled materialRecyclable post-use

Steel is 100% recyclable and can be infinitely recycled—producing new products used in our everyday lives. Using recycled material increases resource efficiency and reduces environmental impact.
Ready to order?
Connect with our expert Customer Support Team today to learn more about our Monotop Cans and other applicable solutions, and to get the process started in placing your order.
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