January 12, 2024

[VIDEO] Safety & Compliance First: The Ultimate Video Guide for Returning Empty IBCs and Drums

New video reviews what “RCRA empty” means, product labeling and closure requirements, and container stacking recommendations

Are your drums and IBCs “RCRA empty?” Are they stacked safely and properly for transportation back to a Mauser Packaging Solutions’ reconditioning facility?

In this new video, we review Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) guidelines for returning empty IBCs and drums, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping requirements, safe stacking practices, and product labeling and closure requirements.

Responsible container management benefits everyone. By following the guidelines covered in this video, you are helping to ensure the safety of your employees and ours, protecting the environment from spills and accidents, and getting the most product out of your packaging – not wasting a dime.

