June 18, 2020

National Safety Month – Safety is a Cooperative Undertaking

Workplace Safety Culture

Every year, the month of June is recognized as National Safety Month by the National Safety Council. It takes everyone – at all levels of a company – to build and maintain a workplace safety culture. Safety is, and always will be, the top priority at Mauser Packaging Solutions. There is nothing more important to us than making sure everyone goes home injury-free, every day.

The most effective way to promote employee safety is through a workplace culture that incorporates employees in the safety process. However, ownership for an organization’s safety culture doesn’t belong only to the employees who face the most risk on a daily basis, but is a corporate responsibility.

Safety must be the focus and priority for every area of a company. In the midst of the current global pandemic, we are committed to the safety of our employees as we deploy an arsenal of controls to prevent/contain and reduce exposure.

Safety is a cooperative undertaking requiring an ever-present safety consciousness on the part of every employee. Only through cooperative efforts, can a safety culture that is in the best interest of all be established and preserved.

In honor of National Safety Month, we want to recognize our Ryazan, Russia facility which recently reached 8 years without a lost time accident!
