Mauser Packaging Solutions Introduces KORTRAX® Barrier Tight-Head Container
KORTRAX®: The safe and environmentally friendly alternative to fluorination
Mauser Packaging Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of the KORTRAX® barrier tight-head container, an exciting addition to its successful line of tight-head containers.
The KORTRAX® barrier tight-head container is designed to safely transport hazardous solvent-based products that are traditionally difficult to contain. This includes products such as household chemicals, industrial and laboratory chemicals, cleaning solvents, adhesives, agriculture chemicals, and food products such as flavors, fragrances, and essential oils.
In light of the recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcement regarding the investigation of PFAS contamination from fluorinated containers, this packaging solution provides manufacturers with an environmentally friendly alternative to fluorination, eliminating the need for post-manufacturing treatment and reducing the use of fluorine gas and potential PFAS concerns.
KORTRAX®, a barrier resin additive that is blended with high density polyethylene (HDPE), provides the same chemical resistance as fluorination treatment while adding the benefits of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor permeation resistance. KORTRAX® containers are 100% recyclable post-use and feature the recycle code 2 emblem.
Available in 20-liter, 5-gallon, and 10-liter sizes, the KORTRAX® barrier tight-head container meets Food and Drug Administration and European Commission requirements for food packaging. Additionally, containers are UN-rated and UL 94 HB Certified.
To learn more about the KORTRAX® Barrier Tight-Head Container, download the 20L sales flyer here and the 10L sales flyer here.
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