Mauser Packaging Solutions Gives Agriculture Chemical Containers a Second LIfe
The Mauser Packaging Solutions Reidsville, North Carolina facility received approval from the Ag Container Recycling Council (ACRC) to process used HDPE plastic pesticide containers collected through the council’s container recycling program. This certification was granted following a site review conducted by the ACRC to ensure the council’s stringent guidelines for handling and recycling recovered HDPE containers were met.
The Ag Container Recycling Council is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1992. The council promotes and supports programs in the United States related to the collection and recycling of used agricultural crop protection, animal health, and specialty pest control product containers.
Since the ACRC’s founding in 1992, more than 190,000,000 pounds of plastic have been recycled through the council’s recycling program. The resulting recycled resin can be used in specific, approved end products such as drain pipe, highway sign posts, and utility conduit. Mauser Packaging Solutions is proud to be an affiliate member of the ACRC.
“This certification supports our continued commitment to reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.” said Jen Kienen, Director, PCR Division. “We continue to look for new ways to close the packaging lifecycle loop and give raw materials a second life.”
For more information about our plastic recycling facilities please visit the Recycled Materials page on our website
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