January 21, 2021

It All Starts with Collection: Frequently Asked Questions + Free Empty Packaging Return Checklist

Every year, Mauser Packaging Solutions collects millions of used, empty IBCs and plastic and steel drums from companies around the world. Without collection, these items would likely end up in a landfill.

With more than 80 reconditioning and recycling facilities globally, we’re proud to offer the largest collection and return network. Our collection program is the first step in responsibly extending the life cycle of industrial packaging. Here are the top 5 frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What types of packaging can be returned? Empty Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), open and closed-head plastic drums, open and closed-head steel drums, and DrumGuard units that meet our collection guidelines can be returned. Our local experts have the regulatory knowledge that’s critical for the safe, and proper handling of empty IBCs and plastic and steel drums.

Can I return IBCs and drums that aren’t manufactured by Mauser Packaging Solutions? Yes! Mauser Packaging Solutions collects empty IBCs and drums from most major manufacturers, including our competitors.

How do I schedule an empty container pick up? Scheduling a pick up is as easy as sending us an email or giving us a call (in the coming months, you will be able to use our new mobile app!). If you have different types of empty packaging, such as IBCs and plastic drums, it may be possible to consolidate this in one collection. We combine efficiency with safe and fast handling to free up your storage space and keep your workplace safe.

What happens to empty IBCs and drums after they have been collected? After collection, empty IBCs and drums are either reconditioned for reuse or recycled.

Reconditioning – Returned IBCs are assessed and either washed or rebottled. Washed IBCs are cleaned and utilize the existing steel cage and bottle, while rebottled IBCs use the existing steel cage in combination with a new bottle. Returned plastic and steel drums are cleaned and the components are reconditioned for reuse or replaced.
Recycling – If an IBC or plastic drum has reached the end of its usable life, we recycle what cannot be reused. Plastic material is sorted, washed, and re-pelletized at one of our five recycling facilities. The result is high-quality post-consumer resin (PCR) that we call Recolene. Recolene is used to manufacture our own products, such as the Infinity Series, and product components. Steel drums are cleaned, crushed and returned to steel mills for recycling.

What are the benefits of returning empty packaging? Returning empty packaging is not only good for the environment, but also supports your own sustainability goals. By returning empty packaging, you are diverting waste from landfills, preserving natural resources, and reducing your carbon footprint. In 2019 alone, our collection and reconditioning program helped customers prevent more than 1.5 million tons of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere. That’s equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 293,000 cars!

Safety and compliance with local regulatory laws is our priority. Collected packaging must comply with specific guidelines that are detailed in our Collection Program Brochure.

Click here to download our return empty packaging checklist detailing the criteria that empty packaging should meet.
