August 11, 2021

Intern Insights: Recognizing and Celebrating Future Leaders

Interns play a vital role in what we do at Mauser Packaging Solutions. As the summer months progress, our interns continue to dive deep into the manufacturing and reconditioning world, learning new skills, facing new challenges, and providing us with their unique and valuable perspectives.

We caught up with a couple interns and asked them to tell us about their experiences.

Meet Fulton W.

As a safety intern at the Anniston, AL facility, I observed the different jobs in the facility, updated the Job Breakdown Training sheets (JBTs), assisted with audits and inspections on machines, conducted a safety review on a newly installed piece of equipment and completed ergonomic assessments – Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA).

Based on the results of my ergonomic assessments and visual observation, I had the chance to complete a thorough ergonomics project that will help reduce long-term injury and illness and identify process improvements that will make the facility more ergonomically friendly. While there have been many ergonomics improvements at Anniston, the team is focused on safety and eager to improve. Everyone at the facility makes it a point to attend weekly safety meetings and many even wear a safety shirt displaying that they are proud of the safety culture and are actively involved in it.

My internship was very enjoyable, and I was able to learn a lot about what safety is like in practice. I conducted safety meetings on my own and that was a great learning experience. I found the atmosphere very friendly and committed to excellence; it was relaxed, yet professional. Everyone was very comfortable in each other’s company, and they get their job done efficiently and effectively.

Meet Brady M.

Summarizing a day as an intern at the Camden, NJ facility is challenging because there was always something new for me to learn and apply each day. When I first started, I did not know what to expect. Documentation was an incredibly important part of my internship experience not only to provide a resource for me but a training resource for new hires being brought on. My internship provided me the opportunity to learn about logistics, transportation, and processes/specifications unique to specific customers.

The atmosphere and culture in Camden are great. As an intern, I had an abundance of questions and there was never any hesitation from anyone to help me out. I really felt as though I could go to anyone for assistance, and they made it a very friendly work environment. I cannot say enough good things about the Camden people and how hard the people work to make it a welcoming environment.

The people at Mauser Packaging Solutions in Camden and are dedicated to the Company being an industry leader and the continued growth the Company. The most memorable experience I had this summer, and one that I will take with me and duplicate in the future, was when I was learning the system and an overflow of people were coming in and out of the office with paperwork. No one pressured me to hurry and complete the task quicker but provided support and encouragement to get the job done right. In this instance, I was not only successful at completing my task, but was a part of something bigger — the office working together and accomplishing a common goal.

With all the knowledge and experience I have learned this summer, I have a better understanding now of how a good team operates, how workflow can be achieved, and how inclusion plays a key part in the success of a company’s long-term success. This experience has been eye-opening, informative, and will prove to be incredibly helpful to me as I grow in my career.

Internships provide students with a great opportunity to gain valuable on-the-job experience while contributing to real-world projects that make an impact in our business. Internships are available with a variety of departments and provide students with the opportunity to create their own network that they can leverage for decades.
