Protecting the Environment

Using resources efficiently

We strive to offer customers the most sustainable packaging solutions possible, and we know that operating our own business in an environmentally sustainable way is an important part of that. Responsibly using natural resources by conserving material and energy, coupled with innovation in processes and products, are core elements of our business philosophy.

“We strive to offer customers the most sustainable packaging solutions possible.”
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Close the packaging life cycle

We extend the life cycle of materials through our reconditioning and recycling services.

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Source sustainably

We incorporate recycled content in our metal, plastic and fiber products whenever possible. Several of our products are made with 100% recycled content.

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Support recycling

We strive to make our products 100% recyclable and, whenever possible, create packaging with extended life cycles.

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Operate efficiently

Continuously streamline and standardize processes while exploring technology that helps us conserve material and energy.

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Reduce our carbon footprint

We return packaging to the market and invest in technologies that reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
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Work locally, think globally

Strategically located facilities ensure products and services are available closer to the end user.
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Optimize design

Less is more. We continue to innovate to reduce the amount of raw material used in our products, while maintaining product strength and integrity.

Supporting your sustainability goals

Looking for solutions that work toward your company’s sustainability targets? Our team can work with you to find products and services to achieve your goals.

Talk to us